National STEM Festival invites young people in grades 7-12 to create a project that addresses a real-world problem, aligning with a festival theme using the scientific method or engineering design process to develop a solution. Top projects from every U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories will be selected as Challenge Finalists. Finalists will move forward to the second round by submitting a video explaining their project, up to 130 National Champions will earn a trip to the National STEM Festival in Washington, DC!

Broadcom Foundation is a co-presenting sponsor of the National STEM Festival in Washington, DC, this April! The National STEM Festival creates a unique platform to celebrate Broadcom Coding with Commitment® because many projects enable students to apply basic coding to their STEM learning to solve a problem they care about that aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Renaissance Youth Center’s Music with a Message songstress and RYC Code the Bronx afficionado Treyonna Sullivan showcased her winning project at the National STEM Festival in 2024, watch her adventure below!
Broadcom Foundation sponsored Treyonna Sullivan along with 36 other National STEM Champions at the National STEM Festival in 2024!
Meet the 2025 National STEM Champions here!