Broadcom Foundation is partnering with the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote after-school Code Clubs where children in grades 5-8 have optimal project-based learning time to develop the coding skills they need to become fully digitally literate.

RPiF’s Code Club Vision
Raspberry Pi Foundation’s vision is that every young person develops:
- The knowledge, skills, and confidence to use computers and digital technologies effectively in their work, community, and personal life to solve problems and to express themselves creatively
- Sufficient understanding of societal and ethical issues to be able to critically evaluate digital technologies and their application, and to design and use technology for good
- The mindsets that enable them to confidently engage with technological change and to continue learning about new and emerging technologies
- Research to better understand how young people learn computing to increase the impact of Code Clubs

RPiF’s Long-Term Goals
Classroom Coding
To enable any school to teach students about computing and how to create with digital technologies, through providing the best possible curriculum, resources, and training for teachers.
After/Out of School Coding
To engage millions of young people in learning about computing and how to create with digital technologies outside of school, through online resources and apps, code clubs, competitions, and partnerships with youth organizations.
Thought Leadership
To deepen understanding of how young people learn about computing and how to create with digital technologies, and to use that knowledge to advance the field of computing education.