Broadcom Coding with Commitment – Zitlaly Lopez

Broadcom Coding with Commitment recognizes students in grades 5-8 who combine STEM learning with coding to solve a community problem they…

Broadcom Coding with Commitment – Zitlaly Lopez

Success Stories

Zitlaly often wakes up to her sister typing away at her computer, unable to sleep. Interested in behavioral studies, Zitlaly was curious to understand if there was a link between her sister’s vegetarian diet and her insomnia. “My sister inspired me to start coding, and I wanted to use my new skill to help her and anyone who struggles with sleeping,” Zitlaly said.

“Coding is limitless, interesting, and fun. Although you may fail, failing is what gets you to success,” Zitlaly said. “When you code you have the power, rather than just being a consumer.”

Zitlaly was part of a program called Mentor Match that originated at OCSEF. It pairs UCI CalTeach student teachers with science fair mentors and older students to guide their research and projects. Her biology teacher, Mr. Garwick, together with high school seniors Teresa and Marian, helped Zitlaly with the experimental process, graphing data, and practicing for interviews.

“Mr. Garwick was there for me whenever I had trouble with my project, especially finding the right wording,” said Zitlaly. “He is the most genuinely honest person I have met, and I am forever thankful for the help that he gave me.”

Mr. Garwick credits Teresa and Marian for giving Zitlaly the “grit, strength and understanding to overcome obstacles.” 

“The best part of coaching and mentoring Zitlaly was seeing her face light up talking about her experiment and the effects she discovered,” said Mr. Garwick. “Seeing that type of excitement and engagement in her eyes was a total teaching pleasure.”

Zitlaly Lopez is a #Coding trailblazer and she is now inspiring a huge increase in #sciencefair projects with coding! Warner Middle School in Westminster, CA now has 4 of 11 planned OCSEF projects that will integrate computer science fundamentals for a total of 15 of 27 students.

“I was so excited that she was honored with a big award!” Mr. Garwick said. “This will motivate and drive her in future endeavors, giving her the confidence that her academic voice is equal to anyone else. As a first generation to college, this will cement her pathway to a STEM higher education and a strong future.”

Congratulations, Zitlaly!

“I hope to continue with this project. I will do my absolute best to find a way to help not only my sister, but those who are also struggling with sleep. I am sure that I will be able to find at least one item that will help anyone sleep better,” said Zitlaly.

“The Broadcom Coding with Commitment recognition has inspired me to think of more science fair project ideas involving coding and computer technology at the high school level,” said Zitlaly. “This opportunity has guided me into choosing certain classes that involve coding with computer technology. Thanks to this award, I’ve set myself on the right pathway for the rest of high school and my future throughout college.”

Raspberry Pi has free resources to help anyone learn how to code and teach basic coding.  Visit the Projects site to get started.

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