6th Grader Wins Broadcom Coding with Commitment for Creating Educational Website
#ICODESuccess Stories
Josi Saleeby from the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair Uses Coding to Help Kids Learn About Acid Rain
Josi Saleeby from Ladue Middle School in St. Louis wins the 2023 Broadcom Coding with CommitmentTM award at the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair for coding a website to help young people learn about acid rain.
Josi’s project, Using Coding to Address Acid Rain Effects on the Environment, addresses United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #6 (ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) and #13 (take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Passionate about the environment, Josi learned about the negative effects of acid rain in science class and wanted to learn more and see for herself.
She created a simulation experiment about acid rain and decided to use coding to help kids learn about why acid rain is bad for the environment.

Learning to Code
But Josi had never learned coding or created a website. She started the journey with the Raspberry Pi Foundation after she went to a Girl Scout event that featured basic coding with a Raspberry Pi.
“Raspberry Pi Foundation had lots of project ideas and coding resources, and I was able to find out how to create a website,” said Josi. “Coding is really fun, and you can create almost anything.”
Josi’s design plan for the website included simple sentences, minimal scrolling, and was generally tailored for tablet use, since many students now use tablets in schools.
“Coding can be challenging, but the result is really rewarding,” Josi said. “Tools like Raspberry Pi can make it easier because it has kid-friendly parts.”
“I hope to learn more coding techniques so I can create more cool websites for kids.”
Congratulations, JOSI!
Raspberry Pi Foundation offers free resources to help anyone learn how to code and teach basic coding. Visit the Projects site to get started.
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